Mark Levin Audio Rewind

The Best of Mark Levin - 2/5/22



On the Best of Mark Levin, the question of whether the Vice President can serve as a tie-breaker on a Supreme Court nominee has been asked. This likely won't happen or even be necessary as the RINO republicans will probably support President Biden's nomination. A tie-breaker vote is highly questionable in the confirmation of a jurist with a lifetime appointment that the VP's boss had nominated. Any justice confirmed by the VP's tie-breaker would likely always be viewed as illegitimate. Biden's weakness and mental deterioration have invited our enemies to become more aggressive toward the United States and our allies. In 1994 Ukraine relinquished its nuclear weapons in exchange for the U.S, Russia, and England to provide security assurances under the Budapest memorandum. Some say that this is not the U.S's problem. By that logic, was Poland our problem? Did Russia develop hypersonic missiles to attack Ukraine? Of course not, they developed them for use against the U.S. Then, Trump said Biden's reckless withdra