Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/20/21



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, WPHT Radio Host Rich Zeoli fills in for Mark. Democrats are melting down because they couldn't convince Sen. Joe Manchin to vote for their radical Build Back Better bill. There was once a time when Senators represented their states instead of all running for president, but the 17th amendment is no longer observed and Senators have become professional grandstanders. Now the Democrats are attacking the fundamental idea of our Republic, blaming one man for hijacking their political agenda because he voted in favor of the constituents he represents. Manchin might be the last of the sane Democrats and they're trying to get rid of him so they can make a power grab to ensure a Democrat majority for the foreseeable future. They plan to achieve it by eliminating the filibuster, granting statehood to territories like Washington DC, and changing voting laws to make elections less secure. Later, it might be better if Omicron becomes the most dominant strain but Fauci keeps harping on vaccines