Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/10/21



On Friday's Mark Levin Show, Barak Ravid, an Israeli journalist playing both sides of the fence, is causing a stir over an interview he's done with former President Trump wherein he claims that former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was amongst the first to congratulate President-Elect Joe Biden in November of 2020 when he was one of the last western leaders to do so. Then, inflation is not a way to print more money to achieve abstractions like Marxism. The laws of economics must be followed lest you create a false economic world. Thanks to Biden the U.S is now at the highest rate of inflation in 40 years. All Biden can do is blame you, the private sector, and the American people.  The Democrat Party are non-violent rioters yet inflict more damage in this country than the looters and our foreign enemies combined. The Democrat Party is systematically dismantling the American economy from within. The cost of goods is going up and the value of your money is going down.  Later, Mitch McConnell broke his