Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/2/21



On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, the media is yet again exaggerating the fact that the government might shut down because Congress has failed to deliver a balanced budget as they are required to under the Constitution. Interestingly, the government is shut down every weekend and on holidays, and during actual shutdowns, only 17% of the government is down. Then, Anthony Fauci, President Biden, and the government say that you must be vaccinated and wear a mask and then they say that the masks and vaccines aren't guaranteed so the public will need more. There are studies that show that natural immunity outweighs vaccine immunity but the media refuses to share these facts from the New England Journal of Medicine or the success of Gov. Ron DeSantis's policies in Florida which leads the way in COVID safety as of now. Later, Constitutional Scholar John Eastman joins the show to explain that Nancy Pelosi's January 6th Committee violates the House's own rules and the basic principles of due process. Eastman has said tha