Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/29/21



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, the Biden Administration, the public education system, and the media are sabotaging and betraying the people of this country. The American Marxists work together to politicize science for their own benefit. Democrats in the White House are crippling the American fossil fuel industry while inflation continues rising.  All while blue-collar energy workers and their families bear the initial brunt of it. Then, climate change is profound junk science that wages war against capitalism, private property, and American individualism. This pursuit is propelled by the financial interests that follow reports of climate catastrophe, whether it's accurate or not. Later, climate change, COVID, and Critical Race Theory are all designed to scare you and they should. Now there's Omicron. A variant that even the Doctor that discovered it says causes mild symptoms.  Moreover, the President of South Africa says there will be no travel bans or lockdowns. Afterward, Critical Race Theory continues creep