Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/19/21



On Friday's Mark Levin Show, self-defense predates the U.S Constitution and Kyle Rittenhouse was rightfully found not guilty today. A non-violent protester was killed in the riot on January 6th and the left within the media called that an insurrection. Yet, Democrats will defend the violent rioters instead of the law-abiding citizen. The radicals on the left don't believe in a jury system as was proved by the prosecutors in this case who were willing to undermine the Constitution to get a scalp for their cause. Then, President Biden alluded to the notion that Rittenhouse was a White supremacist. These are grounds for an effective lawsuit against the President for defaming Rittenhouse. The media is still trying to inject racial narratives and the 2nd Amendment into this case's verdicts because that's all that propagandists know how to do. Later, Congressman Jim Jordan calls in with his reaction to the House's passage of Biden's Build Back Better bill and his new book "Do What You Said You Would Do: Fighting fo