Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/18/21



On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, it's amazing how our government doesn't work. They impeached Trump twice with no high crimes or misdemeanors, and with the help of collaborators within the establishment tried to eliminate Trump from Washington. These same bureaucrats, and the Biden family, have played nice with China while mortgaging the future of American Citizens and they've never been investigated for it. Then, there's no reason for the price of fuel to be going up. But, President Biden is now saying that fuel companies need to be investigated for price gouging. This kind of demagoguery works because Americans have been conditioned to hate the oil companies. Even though Biden canceled the Keystone pipeline and stopped drilling in Anwar. Biden is blaming private companies for the ports and trucking delays as well. These problems are caused by regulations that strangle the industry. The left believes that all problems are the responsibility of the individual and never the fault of the government or the America