Mark Levin Audio Rewind

The Best of Mark Levin - 11/13/21



On the Best of Mark Levin, in typical reprobate fashion, Joe Scarborough attacked the judge in the Kyle Rittenhouse case for chastising the rogue prosecutor after he impinged on Rittenhouse's Constitutional rights. Mob rule pushed the media and the prosecution to rush these charges instead of gathering the facts and witnesses. Now the prosecution is angling for a mistrial since their star-witness blew it. Former White House Trade Advisor, Peter Navarro, calls in to discuss his new book "In Trump Time: My Journal of America’s Plague Year." Navarro shared personal anecdotes of his years in the Trump Administration and how he witnessed the media lie by omission on various occasions including regarding the coronavirus. President Biden attempted to silence free speech by nominating Gigi Sohn to the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) to control the airwaves and destroy conservative talk radio. Sohn says she will shackle broadband providers and censor Fox News by preventing cable providers from carrying the netw