Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/9/21



On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, President Biden attempted to silence free speech by nominating Gigi Sohn to the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) to control the airwaves and destroy conservative talk radio. Sohn says she will shackle broadband providers and censor Fox News by preventing cable providers from carrying the network. If confirmed, Sohn will likely end free speech on the airwaves unless patriots speak up. Then, in March of 2017 when this program deduced from publicly available reports that candidate Trump had been spied on, we were attacked yet it turned out to be true. Despite the top intelligence and law enforcement officials being aware of these false claims they still injected them into their spheres of influence. Newly declassified memos show that current National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan delivered some of this false information to then-President Obama and others in the White House. This whole scheme was hatched by Hillary Clinton, the Obama Administration, and the Democrat National C