Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/4/21



On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, if Colin Kaepernick thinks the NFL is like slavery why does he keep trying to get on a team and volunteer to be if he considers it slavery? Just like the media calls those that they disagree with racists, MSNBC and CNN have substantial financial backing despite their lack of profit. America needs patriots to become shareholders of Comcast and AT&T, go to their shareholder's meetings and object to their propaganda. Then, despite the Democrat's Tuesday election loss, Nancy Pelosi is moving diligently to advance her agenda despite opposition from moderate and centrist Democrats who want to know what's in the bill before voting for it. If our members of Congress, elected to represent us, don't know what's in the bill how will any of the citizens know what's in it? Later, Sen, Mike Lee calls in to discuss the Constitutionality of President Biden’s OSHA vaccine mandate work-around. The verdict is a resounding, no! Lee hopes that the Supreme Court will take up these cases because this