Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/15/21



On Friday's Mark Levin Show, California passed two laws that have destroyed part of the state's trucking industry by banning the vehicle registration of trucks older than 2010 in a push for electric trucks and eliminating drivers younger than 21 years old. Additionally, California has banned non-union truckers from working in California ports. The same wording from the California law is included in the Congressional infrastructure bill that is part of Biden's "Build Back Better" plan so this supply chain problem will spread nationwide. Then, there was an insurrection at the Interior Department in Washington DC where climate rioters tried to push past the police line while attempting to break into the federal building. The group was reportedly composed of indigenous community leaders that oppose the use of fossil fuels. Later, the money that's been poured into public education isn't paying off. Test scores have dropped to the lowest level in years. The educational bureaucrats in the teacher's unions aren't con