Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/6/21



On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, a Special Counsel needs to be appointed to look into the financial conflicts of interest of Attorney General Merrick Garland and his families and their role in publishing critical race theory curriculum for public schools. The American people will not be intimidated by Garland or any other public official who received a pension, salary, or benefit package from the tax dollars we pay. We are not servants, and won't allow our children to be brainwashed. We the people will be damned if we are going to pay for the demise of our children, our culture, and our country being indoctrinated by the leftwing politics of this administration. Garland was silent when innocents were murdered, businesses were burned by arsonists, and robbed by looters during the summer of 2020. We will peacefully and loudly protest against these tactics of harassing and intimidating parents from speaking their minds at public school meetings. Whether it's the left within the teachers' unions, the DOJ, Big Tech