Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/30/21



On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is an irresponsible big-spending leftist. She testified before Congress that there should be no cap on government spending. Having such a limitation forces politicians to vote and make tough choices so they'd rather not have any limits on spending money and incurring debt. If left to their own devices, our government will spend this country into bankruptcy. Then, America was founded on the belief that We The people are in charge, not the federal government. The Constitution was very carefully designed to divide, enumerate, and, limit powers. Yet here we are spending our way into decline, changing the way we vote and eroding our Constitutional system. Later, brainwashing and indoctrination are plaguing our public schools. The system has been destroyed, so now rebuilding is the task afoot. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit