Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/28/21



On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, how many more lies does President Biden have to tell until he’s impeached? Biden said no military advisor told him to leave troops in Afghanistan but his Generals are telling a different story. These Generals will go down in history as disasters for leaving American citizens behind Taliban lines. If Biden lied about this he will lie about the border, the spending, and everything else. These Generals, particularly Mark Milley, should be forcibly retired for leaking to Bob Woodward. This program expects that Rep. Liz Cheney and Sen. Ben Sasse would demand Biden's impeachment, instead of still chasing down Trump. The conversation of impeaching Biden must be had with the American people because Congress has a constitutional obligation to do so. Later, in "The Return of the Primitive: The Anti-Industrial Revolution" Ayn Rand exposed that the left's immediate goal was to destroy capitalism and to establish a global dictatorship. Americans are not as stupid as the Democrats think and Bi