Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/27/21



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, Democrats have waged war on the middle-class, and voting is about transferring funds in the name of "tax the rich." Open borders and the massive expansion of the welfare state through a transfer of funds from the middle-income earners to the lowest income earners using the power of government. Voting for Democrats is voting to have them give your money to someone else - their political base. This wealth transfer is not about liberty or our founding, it’s about advancing the agenda of leftwing politicians that have waged war on capitalism and liberty as we know it. The Democrat Party has fraudulently changed the way we vote by nationalizing it. Changing the electorate through illegal immigration to expand their base of support by importing illiterate newcomers so that they can get them hooked on the system that they've built and control. Later, assuming the major provisions of the Democrats bill remain consistent with their original budget proposal the actual cost of the bill would