Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/24/21



On Fridays Mark Levin Show, all Haitian migrants that had crossed illegally into the U.S, have vanished from the international bridge. Of the 30,000 migrants, more than 12,000 of them were released into cities across our nation. This administration is lying and constantly creating a state of tumult so that they can step in and save the day with big government programs. Yet the media will have you focus on a couple of horses. Then, Democrats are happy to diminish law enforcement agencies like NYPD, Minneapolis Police, and now the U.S Border Patrol but they never criticize the Capitol Police or the FBI. Without any investigation completed as of yet, President Biden says that the horse-mounted border agents will pay. Later, PJ media is reporting that the Arizona audit of the 2020 general election shows discrepancies that leave room for potential fraud. There were 42,727 impacted ballots ranked as “high” or “critical” severity—that’s four times the certified margin of victory. Afterward, why do we care about the