Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/17/21



On Friday's Mark Levin Show, President Biden has always been an evil man. From what he did to Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas, and Tara Reade, to lying about his school records. Now, he's holding back monoclonal antibodies from the state of Florida. These therapeutics were distributed by need, not by equity, but that supply has now been cut by the federal government. The insanity of this man is becoming the insanity of this country. Jen Psaki argued that the supply was rationed because of Florida's lax vaccination standards, despite having a higher vaccination rate than Washington, DC, or Illinois. Gov Ron DeSantis has long been a proponent of vaccines and monoclonal antibody therapeutics and his citizens are being told, by their party-first president, to drop dead. Later, the secretary of Defense has the duty of reporting to the President and offer the best advice. Allowing Gen mark Milley to be a rogue actor is negligent and it's never routine to do it after a conversation with Speaker Pelosi which gives the p