Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/16/21



On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, upon this program's review of federal laws on the role of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, it was determined that the Chairman has no command function over the United States military. None. Although, the Chairman can oversee a combat command function if asked to do so on behalf of the Secretary of Defense. General Mark Milley seized power in contravention of the federal statute. There’s leaking to news outlets to spin the Milley story and minimize its negative fallout. Later, Attorney Michael Sussman from Perkins Coie, the firm that represented Hillary Clinton, has been indicted in John Durham's investigation. He's being charged with making false statements to the FBI when he lied about representing Hillary Clinton in 2016 while lying about Donald Trump. This is the same law firm that laundered the money for the phony dossier paid for by the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign and the Democrat National Committee. Clinton's lawyer, Marc Elias, has raised $715 million