Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/13/21



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, Article II, Section I, Clause 2 is clear that it gives the broadest power to the state legislatures to decide the time, manner, and place of its elections. In the contested election of 2000, the Supreme Court stepped in to defend the Constitution. In the 2020 election, they refused to intervene in the state of Pennsylvania's overreach. On Sunday, Justice Steven Breyer said that none of the cases brought met the criteria of having four Justices agree to take the case. This program has repeatedly made the case that the Constitution is clear that each state shall appoint the electors they see fit. Breyer was wrong and never cited which criteria he was referring to. Then, serial lying from the Biden Administration continues to go unchecked by the media. Even FDA officials are stepping down because they disagree with President Biden and Anthony Fauci's push for booster shots. Forcing people to get vaccinated is not the same as keeping a clean workplace under OSHA standards. Later, Secr