Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/10/21



On Friday's Mark Levin Show, September 11th was a time where America saw great heroes and great leaders emerge during a tragedy resulting from an enemy strike. Regrettably, that very same enemy is back. Leaders like Mayor Giuliani are now being destroyed by the left, the police that were lauded as heroes are now met with calls to defund them. This program will always honor their dedication and sacrifice. President Biden is a president to be despised and should hide his face. Young soldiers and experienced officers have sacrificed for 20 years only for Biden to come and reverse their efforts. Later, the time has come to reclaim what is ours. If we close our eyes and ears we will lose this struggle and will define us as they wish. The American Marxist live off of the sweat and toil of others and hate America and its founding. Afterward, Debra Burlingame, the sister of American Airlines pilot Chip Burlingame, calls the show to express her sentiments on 9/11 and recent developments. Burlingame reiterated how ruth