Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/2/21



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, we bring you the Best Of Mark Levin on Labor Day! A transcript reveals that President Biden pressured Afghan President Ghani to create the perception that the Taliban wasn't winning, whether it was true or not. Can we now impeach this president over a phone call? Then, President Biden's speech demonstrates his ignorance of the genocide he just unleashed on women, children, and the patriotic allies that stood up and fought with Americans in Afghanistan. Biden's unaware or doesn't care about the global implications with China, Iran, and other enemies of the United States now that the U.S has no presence in Afghanistan. Biden says every American that wanted to leave was given a chance. Lies! Biden says many of the Americans that stayed were once Afghan nationals and implied that we should not worry. More lies, more propaganda from the White House and the State Department. Now that the American media is gone the terrorists will do what they do and we will not hear the screams of the g