Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/20/21



On Friday's Mark Levin Show, we won’t allow the FBI to use the cover of atrocities in Afghanistan to release their report indicating that there was no insurrection at the Capitol on January 6th, citing scant evidence of coordination amongst rioters. When you hollow out a country it weakens the resolve of the military, law enforcement, and the nation's foreign policy. America needs its resolve back so that it can inspire others again. Then, President Biden says they were prepared for every contingency but then said they weren't prepared for the rapid collapse. Biden also said Americans weren't having a hard time getting to the Kabul airport, that was a lie! Sec. Lloyd Austin has admitted to members of Congress that Americans are being beaten in Afghanistan and prevented from getting to the airport. This program recommends to Biden to use his staff to immediately draw a plan to extract every single American citizen out of that hell hole and then a plan targeting the top 10 Taliban commanders. Every minute that