Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/12/21



On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, seven months ago the US had approximately 7,000 troops in Afghanistan, the war was over and the troops were training the Afghans and providing air cover. President Biden reduced their air cover and slashed the number of troops in the region, now he is pleading with the Taliban to not attack our embassy because, as expected, they are taking over. The Taliban is executing anyone with an affiliation to the US military. Now the US is sending another 3,000 troops to rescue our civilians in the embassy. Our enemies in China, North Korea, Russia, and around the world saw Biden's miscalculation and weakness. China will feel emboldened to invade Taiwan, Putin will be emboldened to reclaim Ukraine and the United States will be humiliated even further. General Jack Keane calls in to explain that this withdrawal is problematic and that Biden knew it would endanger the American civilians left behind. He added that the geopolitical ramifications all equal a net political gain for Iran. Keane