Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/5/21



On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the only insurrection is the one that’s been going on since January 20th with the Inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. They’ve destroyed the separation of powers, our financial and economic systems, our sovereignty in terms of citizenship, and our public schools. It’s an ongoing insurrection being led by Biden and Harris, aided by the media, and pushed by the tenured Marxist professors in our universities. It’s a real insurrection; not an unarmed group breaching the capitol building. Nancy Pelosi has seized all power in the House of Representatives, and yet she did nothing to prepare for January 6th even though she was alerted and offered National Guard support from President Trump. Also, Tracy Stone-Manning’s nomination for Director of the Bureau of Land Management is still pending despite a history of domestic terrorism. This is the latest in democrat party history of pardoning domestic terrorists who literally bombed and shot up the capitol. They give cover for actual