Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/21/21



On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, Nancy Pelosi rejected two Republican members of the House from serving on her January 6th inquisition (committee). Will Pelosi testify publicly and under oath so we can find out what she knew and when she knew it? House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy calls in and recounts how he told Pelosi that Republicans will not participate in her sham committee if she won't allow him to decide which Republicans will participate. She continues using proxy voting despite Republicans actually showing up to work. Members that reject America like Rep. Ilhan Omar and others are fueling the movement to re-elect Republicans in the House and Senate. Then, the teachers union pushes racial theories, while the non-existent media has become a cadre of self-aggrandizing propagandists that hold up the Jew-hating, lie-peddling and have the New York Times as their gold standard. The Democrat Party is the Party of slavery and Jm Crow and will do anything for power. They use the instrumentalities of governme