Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/16/21



On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden chose to run for president but would never release his medications list. Despite his many cognitive failures the media continues covering for his obvious decline. Using the guise of a COVID health emergency Biden's senior staff has no problem telling Facebook what social media posts they want to be censored. The fact is there isn't a single case of death related to anyone's Facebook post about the coronavirus. Now, Jen Psaki says if an individual is banned from one social media platform they should be banned from all. What's next, banning talk radio hosts or conservative commentary on cable news? Will dissent or disagreement be labeled as misinformation that kills people too? Then, Karl Marx was viewed as a prolific writer and fancied himself a journalist for the New York Tribune, this is why the Marxists in the media are a disaster and are indeed the enemy of the people. The American media have become special pleaders for the Americanized Marxist movement in vario