Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 6/29/21



On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, do propagandists dressed up as tenured professors care about humanity and the crime wave that is sweeping the nation? The democrat party has unleashed an inhumane crime wave. The Marxist left displays a strikingly high degree of inhumanity primarily from cities run by Democrats with largely minority populations suffering at the hands of other minorities from the Democrat Party. These policies are especially hard on African Americans and despite the media lies hundreds of innocent Black people have been slaughtered by other Blacks and phony scholars like Ibram X. Kendi make millions on their lies and propaganda about oppression, and all of this is done with protection from the left within the media. Yet somehow, they still want to "re-imagine” their local police forces to gut them from within so these communities will suffer even more with less police protection. Then, school choice is ignored because the same Democrats that claim to care for communities of color actually prevent