Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 6/18/21



On Friday's Mark Levin Show, massive spending by Republicans and Democrats from the Obama era and now will come home to roost. The Federal Reserve has indicated that interest rates may have to go up because there's too much of the cash, they printed, circulating. Combine that with expanded welfare called pandemic unemployment insurance and you've got a recipe for inflation. The federal government is crushing individualism through its massive apparatus and power. Economic Marxism will destroy the currency and the livelihoods of middle-class income earners. The only way to control this monster, once it is unleashed, is through even harder economic measures until their benefit is realized. If such austerity measures are not taken, an economic depression will be afoot. Democrats are vying for total permanent control and sadly they don't care what gets in the way of their thirst for power. Then, what are Democrats doing to make amends for Juneteenth? Biden didn't even know what Juneteenth was last year and Obama f