Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 6/15/21



On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, Jon Stewart is getting lots of attention because he's disagreed with Stephen Colbert on the origins of the coronavirus, but Conservatives don't need validation from the left. We embrace our ideas because they are solid, not because they are lauded by the left. A revolution is launched and won by the minority, not the majority of the population. The American Revolution, for example, was because the British governing system smothered liberty. The French Revolution was a cultural revolution to destroy and replace everything in their society, not just the governing system. Marxism is about power and centralized control of civil society. This is why conservatives must become, more aware, shrewder, and more engaged in the public discourse. Conservatives must take on the culture. Then, AG Merrick Garland is a radical dressed in judicial robes and now says that the greatest domestic threat to the US comes from White supremacists. If this is true, then President Biden and Garland's rhetor