Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 6/14/21



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, a newly elected Virginia school board member, Abrar Omeish, made a fiery commencement speech that railed against White privilege and stolen land. The taxpayers of Fairfax county pay for these schools and their boards and deserve better than activists that embrace hatred for America. Then, the Pentagon is enforcing anti-extremism indoctrination that focuses on "privilege walks." Members of the military shouldn't have to abandon their own culture and heritage in order to embrace what the Pentagon is peddling. Later, Fox News Senior Correspondent, Charlie Gasparino, calls in to explain how the Securities and Exchange Commission wields considerable power over the financial industry. Gasparino added that Gary Gensler wants corporate America to accept extremely 'woke' policies and how he plans to use the government to do it. Irrespective of one's political affiliation all Americans should be concerned about this. Afterward, Julie Kelly, from American Greatness, calls in with an update o