Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 6/9/21



On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, America would be better off without the corrupt media's lies. The Office of the Inspector General found that in June 2020, the US Park Police did not clear the park for President Trump's walk-through as the media erroneously reported. Instead, they were preventing more destruction of property and injury of officers by having a fencing contractor install a protective barricade to secure the park from violent BLM rioters and arsonists. Then, how many more examples of the fake news media maliciously lying to the American people to promote a false narrative do we need? Just like President Biden's latest lies about White supremacy and climate change being the biggest threats to America, he lied about Trump saying he tear-gassed peaceful protesters for a photo op at Lafayette Park. The report is clear that this was never the case. Later, Joy Reid is a radical kook that doesn't even realize how great America is when she says that America has used all of Central America as a plantation