Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 6/4/21



On Friday's Mark Levin Show, one fearless and outspoken New York parent, Tatiana Ibrahim, blasted her school board accusing them of educational treason for teaching children to hate the police, to be labeled homophobic if they don't agree with the LGBT agenda, and for teaching them communism. This parent challenged them respectfully and directly pushing back on their policies of indoctrination and division. Then, it's highly likely that Anthony Fauci's organization funded a third party to make the coronavirus more lethal and there is a massive cover-up to hide the truth. This has been going on throughout our media and the government. Namely, the notion of man-made climate change. Big Tech and Big Media shut down any discussion regarding the origins of the virus. Later, this weekend is the 77th Anniversary of D-Day. Has the entire bureaucracy forgotten the sacrifice that was made in World War II? Many American soldiers died on the shores of Normandy, France. What exactly have our politicians done to advance th