Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 6/3/21



On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, it will be one of the most unimaginable and shocking ironies if the federal department responsible for protecting us from pandemics were actually responsible for funding it and covering it up. Science editor Nicholas Wade blew the lid off of the COVID origins findings that were unequivocal, that there was never any evidence that coronavirus came from an animal to human infection. The Wuhan Institute of Virology is suspected of increasing the lethality of coronavirus in its labs. Recently leaked emails show that Anthony Fauci was concerned about the virus having originated in a Chinese lab. However, the media went out of their way to discredit anyone that questioned Fauci on this point. Labeling President Trump and other skeptics as 'conspiracy theorists.' Even now, with all the control Democrats have in Congress not a single congressional committee has launched any oversight investigations into this. Then, every day the American Marxists figure out new ways to implement their be