Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/18/21



On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, President Biden aims to eliminate carbon dioxide emissions. However, plants, via photosynthesis, have eliminated the threat that was once claimed to have existed to the Amazon. Now that Democrats are in power there are no more images of polar ice caps melting because they are now on phase two of their de-growth agenda - to unleash a war on free-market capitalism. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, John Kerry, and Biden will do to the economy what they've done with gas prices. This was never about climate change, it was always about Marxism. Then, as a result of the industrial revolution, more people are alive today because of the wondrous machines, highways, and technology created by America. The climate change movement has joined with other Marxist movements like environmental racism, LATCRIT, and Critical Race Theory, all of which are toxic to the human spirit and expect mankind to bow to them. Later, Biden and the Democrats are trying to make aspects of the $1.9 trillion coronavirus pa