Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/17/21



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, the American media has fully displayed how corrupt it is. The entire profession of journalism is a disgusting joke. America needs a free press but, lamentably, doesn't have one. CBS News's John Dickerson grilled Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, over their response to the Hamas rocket attacks, and did so by only asking accusatory questions. Hamas relies heavily on propaganda to influence its media narrative. For example, the implosion of a building that housed media outlets including Al Jazeera and the Associated Press was leveled by the IDF and there wasn't a single casualty due to Israel’s diligence to protect civilian lives. Then, the head of Space Force has been removed from his position for citing how Marxism and Critical Race Theory have seeped into the US military. Marxism and holocaust denial has been a staple in the American Media and even the Associated Press misinformed the citizenry back in the days of World War II by collaborating in a Nazi cover-up. Indeed,