Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/13/21



On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, the CDC and President Biden told the country that masks are no longer required for fully vaccinated individuals, as much as Biden wants to take credit for this it was Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed that got us this far. It was the leadership of state Governors like Ron DeSantis who led Florida through this pandemic without destroying their economy or denigrating citizens. Then, Economist Milton Friedman taught that capitalism is a necessary condition for political freedom. The less economic freedom we have the less political freedom we have. This is why the left uses the climate change de-growth movement to change the American economic system through Marxist ideas. Now the economy is suffering, pipelines are getting hacked and ransom is being paid, and America's energy infrastructure is much less safe as a result. The Green New Deal will be much worse than this current cyber-attack. Biden is a human pandemic and the ransomware president! Later, the Muslim Brotherhood, a ter