Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/12/21



On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, Republicans that trash the Tea Party and stand against liberty are the problem. America is facing a movement that is destroying the country and Rep. Liz Cheney and the Bush family are attacking Trump supporters because they have no clue of how serious the threat is. The issue with Liz Cheney is not about Liz Cheney, but its illustrative of a larger problem. A RINO problem that predates Trump and has been antagonistic toward Constitutional conservatives for decades. Liz Cheney should stand up for Liberty instead of claiming some false mantle of never-Trump leadership. Later, Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy calls in with his reaction to Liz Cheney's ouster from GOP leadership. McCarthy explained that out of all America's problems Liz Cheney was focused on Trump, not on Biden's weakness on China, the impending inflation, or our out-of-control border. McCarthy quipped that even Sen. Bernie Sanders is more conservative than Joe Biden. Then, educational materials are being used to ind