Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/11/21



On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, war is breaking out in the Middle East because of President Biden's provocative foreign policy, which is being exploited by America's enemies. This conflict would end if the Hamas terrorists, funded by the Islamo-Nazi Regime in Tehran, would stop firing rockets into Israel and if the media would stop criticizing Israel for defending itself against Palestinian terrorist aggression. Then, the Democrat Party is the Party of American Marxism. In the name of expanding voting and eliminating so-called "Jim Crow", the Democrat Party is destroying America's election system. Democrats play by one set of loosely held rules and the rest of America obey another set of rules. Later, the cyberhackers have done to the Colonial Pipeline exactly what Joe Biden did to the Keystone Pipeline - they shut it down. The environmental movement is an off-shoot of the larger Marxist movement that sees inequalities and injustices such as environmental racism. Similarly, the de-growth movement is designed to