Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/3/21



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, the Democrats and their ally in the teacher's unions lobby the CDC which has become politicized and they're politicizing the classrooms of America's children and their health. Big Democrat cities obey the "follow the science" mantra to get the tax dollars of rural and suburban areas while they squander their own. Then, Hansjörg Wyss, a Swiss billionaire, is pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into the American political system by way of donations to groups supporting Marxist-Progressive ideas. While claiming to be apolitical, Wyss seems to solely support Democrat causes while the media chases Rudy Giuliani. Democrats pose the pretext of taking action on "dark money" while simultaneously allowing Wyss' foreign billions to build political infrastructure. Later, Levinites need to take their liberty back from Marxists and we need to do it non-violently because all Americans aren't Antifa. Nikole Hannah Jones, founder of the "1619 Project" claims Gov DeSantis and other critics of C