Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/19/21



On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the media is stoking the flames telling the nation to expect riots after the result of the Derek Chauvin trial, while Antifa and BLM are watching and acting on it. This is the new normal in Minneapolis and Portland, and coming to the rest of the country. Rep Maxine Waters went to Brooklyn Center over the weekend to encourage rioters and urge them to keep it up, demanding a guilty verdict for Chauvin. This is another case of Waters’ directly inciting violence, but she won’t be impeached like Donald Trump, who had to have his words twisted to frame him for incitement. Nancy Pelosi is defending Waters, lying and saying that she shouldn’t apologize and wasn’t inciting violence. Lost in all of this is the idea of the American justice system. The mob is in charge now, and justice is served only to stop the mob from burning the country down. Also, members of the “squad” spent thousands of dollars in private security, showing again how hypocritical progressive Democrats are. Alexandria Oc