Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/16/21



On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, how can you have bipartisanship with the Democrats when they are taking steps to destroy our culture, our economic system and separation of powers? President Biden and the Democrats aren’t interested in bipartisanship, which is why they need to be politically defeated. Then, it turns out that the reporting from the New York Times that Russia was offering bounties on American soldiers during the Trump Administration was a fake story. A lie to smear Trump who is an affectionate supporter of the US Military. Will the New York Times apologize for their false reporting? Despite the New York Times and the Washington Post being owned by Jewish families they largely ignored the Holocaust. Sadly, this is the gold standard of the left-wing in America. Later, Biden is making it possible for the Islamo-Nazi regime in Iran to obtain nuclear ICBM’s that can reach America. Afterward, The Democrat party is systemically racist and they despise the founding of America. Did Jim Crow Joe take his oat