Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/7/21



On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, Jim Crow Joe (Biden) is busy undermining this republic in every way that he can. Inhuman chaos at the border, massive debt with trillions spent every month, and crippling tax increases. Biden believes that using racist language will ingratiate him with the African American and Latino communities. Biden's next move will be on limiting the second amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. Biden is incapable of leading this great nation while our enemies are on the move. Russia, China, and Iran are focused on advancing their military and financial agendas while America has a weak leader. Later, now is not the time to be passive on the issues. America needs modern-day Thomas Paine’s. Don't be shy or silenced by your enemies. If the media attacks, you push back! Attend your school board meetings and demand to see the curricula so you know what your children are being taught. The holocaust-denying left wants to teach your children to hate themselves and their country. Afterward, on th