Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/5/21



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, President Biden's administration is redefining language to justify his horrific policies. Marxists lie over and over again until people believe it. The word infrastructure has always meant physical structures like roads, bridges, tunnels, and airports. Yet, a big percentage of the bill has nothing to do with infrastructure. This is the biggest rip-off of the American people by redistributing the wealth of red states to blue states in order to weaken the Republican party so they can have one-party control. Democrats didn't just stop at redefining the meaning of infrastructure but they're redefining, racism, gender, and a plethora of others. The left defined the term trickle-down economics which does not exist, the American economy works from the bottom up because the consumers decide where and how they will spend their money, what Biden is creating is a trickle-down government economy that reaches the people last, not first. Then, why does George Soros attack America? Soros is so w