Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/29/21



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, Anthony Fauci deserves criticism for spending more time on television than at his desk studying infectious diseases. Fauci is only in charge of infectious diseases, not all science and public health, yet many might think he did. Now, Fauci is taking credit for the decision to develop the coronavirus vaccine. The fact is that he simply was not the decision-maker here, it was Donald Trump that made these decisions and for him to suggest that it was his choice is a bald-faced lie. Then, immigration continues to plague the southern border and President Biden remains ineffective while deflecting the blame on Trump. Sen. Ted Cruz was blocked from providing oversight at border facilities by a highly trained activist preventing any reporting or photography. Later, on March 26, 2020, a brave whistleblower called into this program and broke the story of what Gov. Andrew Cuomo was doing by executive order to the senior citizens in nursing homes in New York State. The deadly decision was a fa