Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/26/21



On Friday's Mark Levin Show, President Biden is a pathological liar and did so intentionally at his press conference because he had it all written down on notecards. Biden lied through his teeth about the border. Imagine such an overwhelming strain on our system causing a collapse in America, would the Democrats treat American citizens the way they are treating the children at the border? Then, Democrats seek to weaken the election system to the point of destroying it, and if one dares disagree they are said to be supporting Jim Crow. This doesn't advance any cause, it's just plain evil. Later, the facts simply don't support any of the claims that the recent shootings in Colorado and Georgia were racially motivated. They were not. Yet, Biden will use these tragedies as an excuse for a political power-grab via Executive Order. Also, President Ronald Reagan's assassination attempt occurred 40 years ago this month. The media hated him, the RINO's hated him, and the diabolical movement with the left hated him. Th