Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/22/21



On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, when America was founded the purpose of government was to be quiet and out of our way, but now it’s all about what the government wants to do to us. Now President Biden has a $3 trillion spending plan that he wants to get passed fast before we know what’s taking place. They’re in a hurry to sign all these massive bills with hidden stuff that will change our lives forever before we even know what’s in them.  What they’re doing is going to damage the country and forever change America. Biden is destroying future generations because of the narcissism of the Democrat party. Not only do they do what they do knowingly, they lie with impunity. This entire effort is led by one political party in Washington DC, who don’t care about what happens to the citizens in border states or even about the children that are coming across illegally. They won’t even allow media access into the reception centers to see how bad this crisis is. The democrat party has become an evil anti-American party, and