Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/18/21



On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, But for Donald Trump, the American people wouldn't have a vaccine right now. President Biden is taking credit for Trump's Operation Warp Speed because he can't take credit for what he's actually done - nothing. Biden's policies are hurting America; he’s siding with teacher unions while keeping kids out of school. Pushing mask mandates that even doctors like Rand Paul have called out for being political theater. Once an individual has a vaccine there is no evidence to suggest a re-infection of COVID. Other experts like the epidemiologist, Dr. John Ioannidis, who was right all along about herd immunity, were initially accused of being inaccurate. As Rand Paul points out, Anthony Fauci is following the science of conjecture not the science of facts. Then, Joy Reid falsely claimed that Republicans are afraid of brown people coming to America, not immigration, per se. Would it then be logical to ask if Democrats want brown kids to be raped and imprisoned in the Biden Administration's