Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/15/21



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, the general will and the common good were the basis for the French Revolution which destroyed its society, unlike the American Revolution which stood to defend our society against monarchic tyranny. Marxist autocrats have spent a generation trying to undo our Constitution and they attack the first, second, and tenth amendments savagely and it continues today. The US Constitutional system is the only legitimate form of government in our nation. The farmers relied on the separation of powers to avoid mob rule and rule by the monarchy, this is why they gave power to the people through the legislature and it's exactly why legislatures are being usurped when it comes to voting laws. Then, the US federal government is the largest employer and debtor in America and President Biden and the Democrats want to raise your taxes just to make it bigger. The failures of Democrat-run cities and states have just been financed by all taxpayers. Later, 40% of small business owners can't find workers