Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/25/21



On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Barack Obama and Bruce Springsteen are preaching reparations as a way to redistribute wealth to people that mostly vote Democrat. Obama has never led any movement to unify the country. We can’t allow this kind of blatant racism to be passé and normalized. If we’re ever going to have reparations, it’s the responsibility of Democrats, since they were the party that supported slavery. The Democrat party has surrendered whatever integrity they have and decided that critical race theory and race training is their new base. They will surrender the working class for illegal immigrants, who will then become future Democrat voters. The Left has corrupted our institutions and schools and we’re paying for all of it. Also, there is a push for TV companies to stop service for some news networks, like Fox News, Newsmax, and OANN, because of how they cover certain topics like election fraud and the events on January 6th. These attacks on a free media is unbelievable. Later, little kids should