Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/24/21



On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, Liz Cheney is positioning herself as a Republican in order to sabotage Donald Trump insisting that Trump has no place attending CPAC. Cheney is affable, however, her autocratic position on Trump is wrong. Then, Tiger Woods is an example of American exceptionalism in our society. Woods' career is an American success story that exemplifies how hard work merits the accolades he's garnered, not his race. Later, Jewish people are under attack in New York City and throughout our culture. Anti-Semitic tropes, and those that utter them, are becoming more frequent in today's media and entertainment as well as in key government positions. NBC's 'Saturday Night Live' and one of their dramas 'Nurses' partook in a mockery of the Jewish people and their faith this week and the media is silent. Afterward, Andrew Cuomo has been accused by a former staffer of sexual harassment, which is a credible allegation just like the allegations made against Joe Biden by Tara Reade. What Biden allegedly di